
Pastoralist Girls Initiative (PGI) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered with Kenya NGOs Co-ordination Board. The organization was founded in 2001 as a community based organization (CBO) with initial membership of 15 members drawn from former North Eastern Province of Kenya. The organization is dedicated to alleviating the challenges encountered by the pastoralist communities in Kenya by addressing their needs in a two-pronged approach: addressing immediate practical needs, this include emergency food relief and school fee for needy girls while championing the plight of pastoralist women and girls especially on matters related to education, food security, human rights including rights to property ownership and economic empowerment. PGI believes in sustainable community development that can only come about by involving the marginalized persons in all dialogue aimed at enhancing community organization.

PGI works with the most vulnerable members of the community by empowering them to play their rightful role and champion their own rights. PGI works towards reducing gender disparity in access to resources, extreme poverty, ignorance, poor health and gender based violence by addressing cultural, systemic, natural, personal and other factors that militate against their economic and social advancement.

Women themselves have the right to live in dignity, in freedom from want and freedom from fear.

Kofi Anan